
MapToaster Mobile V3.0 Upgrade

New in MapToaster Mobile/NZ V3.0 for your GPS:

  • Almost 150 map sheets have been updated since version 2.0 (and lost more if you're still on V1.0). LINZ updates up to Arpil 2013 are included, with many improvements to DOC track and hut features.
  • Updated search index - with DOC track and walkway start/end points as well as food, fuel, money, accommodation, airports
  • Offshore islands - Snares, Auckland, Campbell, Antipodes, Bounty, Chatham and Kermadec Is are included
  • Updatd National Park and comprehensive public Conservation Land boundaries

The maps have the same familiar cartography of the paper maps with clear track markings.

Garmin Oregon GPS topo map screenshot - topographical map of Inchbonnie area

Rich information. When you tap on a point on the map on a touch-screen or press ENTR on a keypad style GPS, you get a list of the features under the point. In this example you can see Mt Misery summit (924m) has scrub ground cover, is inside the Totara-Mikonui Conservation Area, in the Totara River locality.

Garmin Oregon GPS topo map screenshot - topographical map of Inchbonnie area

The POI search index has DOC tracks and walkway start/end points to make it easy to find the start of your walk. Just search for "tk" in the All POI index to find nearby tracks start/ends.

Garmin Oregon GPS topo map screenshot - topographical map of Inchbonnie area

"I've owned other GPS mapping and difference between MapToaster Mobile/NZ and it is huge. The vegetation cover distinguishes different types, like scrub and native bush. Contours are clearly defined. There are concise symbols, especially for buildings and 4wd tracks. The uncluttered "FIND" results give noteworthy points in the locality instead of a list comprising mostly of the word "building". There is no doubt I prefer your product..." - Tony Lavo

MapToaster Topo/NZ for PC Included

As with V2.0, MapToaster Mobile/NZ Version 3.0 includes a copy of MapToaster Topo/NZ for your computer. This provides high-quality maps for your computer that look identical to the printed LINZ topo maps, as well as easy to use software. When you upgrade, you get an upgrade to MapToaster Topo/NZ V6.0 as well.

There are two options for MapToaster Topo/NZ, High-resolution and Standard Edition. The high-resolution maps have twice the resolution of the Standard Edition and give the sharpest and clearest prints. The MapToaster Mobile/NZ maps are the same, regardless of which edition you choose for your PC.

Topomaps of NZ

The upgrade package includes

  • MapToaster Mobile/NZ upgrade DVD. Automatically upgrades your version 1.0 or 2.0 microSD card to version 3.0. Requires a microSD-to-USB adapter to plug your card into a PC. Can also upgrade the card when installed in Garmin Oregon, 62s or Dakota GPS.
  • A copy of MapToaster Topo/NZ V6.0 maps and software for your PC (Std or High-res PC maps, depending on the version you currently have.)
  • Note that MapToaster Mobile/NZ V3.0 does not include a CD-ROM for use with MapSource.

Find Out More

How to Upgrade

We'll be sending out upgrade emails in Aug 2013. If you haven't heard from us (first check your spam folder) and you would like to upgrade to version 3.0, email us at with your serial number, or if you can't find that we can probably locate your details from your email address .

Garmin, eTrex, Oregon, Dakota, Colorado and Nuvi are a trademarks of Garmin Ltd. These maps are not Garmin products and are not endorsed by Garmin Ltd. MapToaster is a registered trademark of MetaMedia Ltd. Selected POI data was kindly made available. by Zenbu. Neither Integrated Mapping, MetaMedia Ltd or the data suppliers warrant that the maps are free from errors or omissions. Some data source from LINZ, NZ Fire Service and DOC - Crown Copyright.