
Are there upgrades available?

Yes. Software maintenance upgrades that fix bugs and add minor new features are available as free downloads from the Support page. Map updates and major software upgrades are not free, but we try to keep upgrade costs reasonable.

We send out upgrade emails to our customers. If you don't have the latest version and haven't had an email, please feel free to email us for more information.

The timing of map updates is largely determined by LINZ. We update MapToaster when sufficient updates have been made to the topo maps to make it worthwhile.

MapToaster Topo/NZ, version 5.0, made the transition to the new Topo50 maps series, which replaces the earlier NZMS260 maps. The Topo50 maps use the NZ Transverse Mercator Projection (NZTM 2000). The MapToaster Mobile/NZ maps are not affected by the change to NZTM as the coordinate system is handled by the GPS firmware.

MapToaster Topo/NZ V14.0 and MapToaster Mobile/NZ V14.0 are the latest releases and include LINZ map updates to November 2024.

The new Topo50 maps do not represent a complete remapping of NZ. The Topo50 maps replace NZMS260 and have revised cartography and a new coordinate system, NZTM. However, only a proportion of the underlying mapping is updated each year. Don't expect that the new mapping will be totally update to date, as in some areas it hasn't been updated for some time.